Tuong Lai Centre for Health Education and Community Development (Tuong Lai Centre)

"Tuong Lai Centre for Health Education and Community Development (Tuong Lai Centre) is a Vietnamese non-governmental and non-profit organization received the decision for establishment in July 2011 under the Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations (VUSTA), and registered its operation in August 2011 with the Ministry of Science and Technology.
Tuong Lai Centre operates in order to improve the quality of life in the short as well as in the long term for groups of inhabitants who are poor, disadvantage and wounded by providing social services, enhancing our capacity and possibly policies through involvement of authorities, companies and civil society organizations.
To research and implement projects with regard to sexual balance, children’s rights, migration, trafficking of women and children, social policy, HIV/AIDS, health care, hunger eradication and poverty reduction and community development.
• To carry out science and technology services such as basic and advanced training, transfer of technology, consultation, communication, organization of meetings and doing other science and technology services related to issues of sexual balance, children’s rights, migration, trafficking of women and children, social policy, HIV/AIDS, health care, hunger eradication and poverty reduction and community development.
• To cooperate with domestic and overseas individuals and organizations in executing activities in order to support the disadvantaged and enhance their quality of life.
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